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Treadmill Desk

Like many of us, I spend a large part of my day at my desk.  Some of you may have heard about health issues from sitting too much.  Have you heard the disturbing phrase 'sitting is the new smoking'?  I have observed that too much sitting, especially at a desk in front of a computer, can lead to specific health issues: back issues, pinched nerves, core muscle atrophy, reduced circulation.  

The Unexpectedly-High Cost of Modern ‘Stand Up’ Meetings

Myth: Software Developers Dislike Meetings

Everybody likes a good meeting. Well, as long as they don’t have pressures to build/create something in a too-short time, which is rarely for software developers. Development pressures aside, interacting with our colleagues can provide enjoyment and stimulation - even for developers.

Why then the myth that developers dislike meetings?

Pull Request Checklist

Amazon practices continuous deployment.  Changes are automatically deployed to production multiple times a day by continuous deployment pipelines. Staff rarely has to spend time carefully shepherding each of those deployments and watching logs and metrics for any impact. Because the pipelines do the work for each team, most deployments aren't actively watched by anyone. This is how these “hands-off” automated deployments work.